Embracing Complexity Partnership

https://embracingcomplexity.org.uk/ Really pleased to announce that I will be collaborating in the future with this brilliant organisation. In the mean time take a look at their website its full of links to really good articles, research and lots of businesses passionate about Neurodiversity!!

Supporting Trans students

A brilliant article co wrote by a colleague of mine Noah, very thought provoking in terms of support offered in Educational institutions and themes that came out of the peer support Noah and Ella facilitated. Having heard through high school clients of the struggles they find in school and a group they set up and…

Mindful Gnats

https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/mindful-gnats/id973919092 I downloaded this app after a recommendation to help my son with his sleep, his ADHD means at times at bedtime he struggles to switch his brain off & get to sleep. This app has verbal breathing, relaxation, body scan and sound mindfulness exercises which are useful to anyone struggling with sleep, very child…