News Alert – BACP CYP Conference

I am really pleased to announce that I have been asked to present a workshop on CYP & Neurodiversity for the BACP CYP Conference on Saturday 27/3/21. It’s been a little last minute and slightly panicking but I have managed to pull together the workshop over the weekend, pre record the session and get it…

BACP – Blog published

I am really pleased that a recent blog I wrote for Neurodiversity Celebration week has been published on the BACP (British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapy) website today. Please click on the link below to have a read.  

Eating Disorder Awareness WEEK – 1st – 7th March 2021 This year, Eating Disorders Awareness Week is focusing on binge eating disorder. Binge eating disorder will affect one in fifty people in their lifetime, and one in six affected attempts suicide. Binge eating disorder will affect one in fifty of us in our lifetime, it is the most common but least understood. It isn’t…