On the 27th March 2021 I was asked to present a 45min pre recorded workshop and then do a live Q/&A to the BACP Children & Young people/family (CYP&F) Conference on working therapeutically with CYP&F who are neurodiverse. The workshop was around the affects of the pandemic on this client group and how as therapist we can manage this, but also on how we can help our clients celebrate their Neurodiversity.
This was my first time presenting to other professionals in this way but the feedback was lovely and the workshop generated some really useful conversations around specific training for therapists working with this client group, which I hope I can be part of and build towards…..so watch this space.
Below are 2 links to clips, firstly of the workshop and secondly to the live Q&A. If anyone would like to discuss anything further around this topic please feel free to get in touch by using the contact form. Thanks Tasha