News Alert – BACP CYP Conference

I am really pleased to announce that I have been asked to present a workshop on CYP & Neurodiversity for the BACP CYP Conference on Saturday 27/3/21. It’s been a little last minute and slightly panicking but I have managed to pull together the workshop over the weekend, pre record the session and get it…

Neurodiverse Celebration week is here!!

This week is Neurodiverse Celebration week so promote in your schools, in your work place or celebrate someone you know who is Neurodiverse. This week i am celebrating all my neurodivergent clients and my son. Please see link below for a list of their events this week.

Embracing Complexity Partnership Really pleased to announce that I will be collaborating in the future with this brilliant organisation. In the mean time take a look at their website its full of links to really good articles, research and lots of businesses passionate about Neurodiversity!!

Mindful Gnats I downloaded this app after a recommendation to help my son with his sleep, his ADHD means at times at bedtime he struggles to switch his brain off & get to sleep. This app has verbal breathing, relaxation, body scan and sound mindfulness exercises which are useful to anyone struggling with sleep, very child…